This permission based feature explains how to set up a series of rules for calculating SLO Targets.

Assigning SLO Target rules to a SLO allows for target scores to be automatically calculated for each student in a SLO. Previously, RightPath supported a data entry mechanism, and a way to apply a formula to selected students. Now, formulas can be captured as rules, so that all targets can easily be calculated and recalculated.

Assigning Custom SLO Target Rules

Adding or editing target rules for a SLO consists of two primary steps. The first step is to establish a set of rules for each necessary population of students, i.e., general education students, special education students, etc. The second step is to enter the formula(s) to use for that population.

A common pattern for SLO targets is often written as: My students must grow 25% above the pre-test score if they scored below a 40. If they scored 40 or above, they must grow 20%. Special education students will use the same scores, but will grow 5% less than general education students.

The process to define target rules and an explanation of how to interpret them is demonstrated below.
   1. To access the new target rules feature, from the SLO Goal Form View page, click on the "Modify Target Rules" button.

2. When the page loads, the SLO name, building, and type is displayed and the rules will be in read only mode. To edit the rules, click on the "Edit Rules" button.

      Note: If the SLO is already using rules from a rule template, there will be an alert message above the SLO name with the rule template name. Click the "Change to Custom Rules" button for the SLO to use custom rules. Clicking this button will detach the rules template from the SLO and enter edit mode for custom rules.

3. Enter the total number of points that the SLO is worth in the "Total Points" text box.

4. To add a new target type, select the dropdown arrow on the "Add Student Subgroup" button to show a list of target types.

5. Enter the lower bound, growth type, and growth value for each rule.

6. To add more rules to a rule set, click the "Add" button. To remove a rule set, click the delete button next to the rule set name. To remove a rule in a rule set, click on the red "X" button to the right of the rule. To clear all rules and rule sets, click on the "Clear Rules" button located on the top right side of the page.

7. To save the custom rules, click on the "Save Rules" button above or below the rule set collection. To save the rules as a rule template to be reused for other SLOs, a user with the permission to create rule templates can click on the "Save As Template" button in the top right corner of the page.

In the example below, any general education student that scores above a 0 and below a 40 on the pre-test must grow 25% and any general education student that scores a 40 or above must grow by 20%. Any special education student that scores above a 0 and below a 40 on the pre-test must grow 20% and any special education student that grows above a 40 must grow by 15%.

If your SLO targets are complicated due to many populations, you can read more about "Prioritizing SLO Target Rules" below. However, you might also consider using the data entry method on the SLO Goal Form View page for students with exceptions while using rules for the majority of students.

Calculating Targets Based on a Single SLO’s Target Rules

 1. From the SLO Goal Form View page, click on the "Calculate Targets From Rules" button. The targets will be calculated and displayed in the student grid.

Prioritizing SLO Target Rules

1. To prioritize rule sets within the same restriction level, click on the "Move Up" arrow or "Move Down" arrow in the top right corner of a rule set’s box. Moving up increases priority while moving down decreases priority.

Note: More restrictive rule sets will always have higher priority than less restrictive rule sets. Rule sets within the same restriction level have color coded left borders. General education is the least restrictive. SWD, LEP, and Free and Reduced populations make up the next restriction level. The next level is the combination any two of the SWD, LEP, and Free and Reduced populations. The triple combination of SWD, LEP, and Free and Reduced is the most restrictive. For more information, refer to the ‘Assigning SLO Target Rules Samples’ document.

Calculating Targets Based on a SLO Template

1. If the user has the permission to calculate targets for multiple SLOs, while viewing a SLO template on the SLO Goal Form View page, click on the ‘Calculate Targets for Associated SLOs’ button in the top right corner of the page. This will calculate all targets for all students in SLOs that use the SLO template and will be displayed in the student grid when viewing an individual SLO. The rules that will be used are the rules attached to the SLO template.

View SLO Target Rules User Guide