To enter comments for your administrators and supervisors to use on evaluations, please follow the steps below. 

Make sure YouTube is whitelisted to view the video.

Direct link to video:

First Choose "District Level Comments" located under the APPR tab on the black menu bar.


You will be directed to the Manage Save Comments Page. Select the school year, then the rubric you want to add the stored comments to.


Click the gray arrow to expand the domain to show the indicators. 

Click the indicator you want to store saved comments for.

Click "Create Comment".


A text box will open for you to enter the comments. You may copy and paste text from other sources by pasting as plain text. 

Click "Save" when you are finished.


The comment you entered will be listed in the area to the right of the rubric domain indicators. You may remove or edit the comments as needed. 

To edit a comment, click the red pencil to open the text box, make your changes, then click "Save" when you are done editing.

To delete a comment, check the box for the comment you want to delete click the "Delete Selected" button. 


These comments will now be available to use in the observations. Please see the "Stored Comments" section under the Observation User Guide for more information about attaching stored comments to the observation.