Specials are used to create recurring items for specific times on your calendar for classes like art, music, or gym.  Specials can be scheduled to occur every day, or follow A/B, weekday, or

rotation schedules. 

Specials should be used when you need to add something to your schedule that does not require a lesson plan.

Some examples of this would be bus duty, lunch monitoring, recess, prep period, etc.

Creating a Special

A special is created from the Planbook Search screen. Using the Lessons Menu, Hover over Planbook and select Planbook Search.
To create a special, click the “Add New Special” button in the special search grid.

This will display a new page where the details of the special will be defined. The only information that is required for a special is the name, start date, and scheduling type. The name field is shown in the calendar view as well as the search grid, the start date defines the first occurrence of the special, and the scheduling type defines how often the special will recur on the calendar. For more information on the different scheduling types, please view the scheduling documentation here.

Start time, end time, and end date are optional settings. They affect how the special appears in the calendar view. Setting the start time will move the special up or down within a day on the calendar view. Setting an end date will stop all occurrences of the special from being displayed after that date.

Modifying a Special & Exceptions

After a special has been created, it can be modified to change any of the general details. If any changes are made, they will be automatically reflected in the calendar view. Additionally, if there are any exceptions that need to be made for specific occurrences, these can be made here. To make any changes to a special, locate the special in the search grid and click the pencil icon.

This will take you to the special settings page. Once on this page, click the edit button to change any of the main settings of the special. 


Exceptions can be either the addition of an occurrence or the removal of an occurrence. All of the settings for exceptions can be managed using the grid at the bottom of the settings page.

To add a new exception click the “Add New Exception” button in the grid. Fill in the start date, and optionally the start and end time, and select Add Date from the dropdown. Click the update button to save this exception.

A remove exception can be created simply by selecting the Remove Date option instead of Add Date in the Add/Remove dropdown. 

*Start and End Times are not required when creating a remove exception. 

Calendar View

Specials will automatically be displayed on the calendar view based on their scheduling type and start date/time. Clicking the name of a special will take you to the details page for that special. A single occurrence of a special can be removed from the Calendar View by clicking the trash can in the top right corner.