Using the Gradebook

  1. Curriculum Integration: The Gradebook integrates directly with the curriculum for a class. If the selected class has an attached curriculum, all lessons in that curriculum will be shown in the Gradebook in the order that they appear in the curriculum. Lessons assigned that fall outside of the curriculum are also shown at the end. Curriculum lessons are colored blue, and non-curriculum lessons are colored gray.
  2. Lesson Progress Integration: Clicking a student’s name will navigate directly to that student’s Lesson Progress page with the class and date range already selected, based on the class and date selected from the Gradebook.
  3. Color Coded Grades: Lessons are color coded so that teachers are able to see, at a glance, which lessons have been graded, ungraded, assigned, and unassigned.
    1. Letter Grade/Multi Grade Support:
    2. Grades with multiple numeric grades are automatically averaged and receive an 'Avg' label. The class average is shown for each lesson in the Average Grade column.
    3. Single letter grades are marked with an alpha symbol and the letter grade is shown.
  4. Multiple letter grades are marked with an alpha symbol and the word 'Multi' is shown.
  5. Export to Excel: The Gradebook can be exported to an Excel® spreadsheet that will contain the gradebook as it was seen in the RightPath™ including all labels and color-coding.
  6. Freeze student Column: is a feature that keeps the student column visible as you scroll through the lessons assigned to each student.
  7. Grade Edit: when you click on a lesson to view or grade you will see the grade edit pop up, this will be explained in detail in the next section; Gradebook: viewing, grading, sending work back. 

Student Monitoring in Gradebook

  1. To view the lesson, click the chalkboard icon.
  2. To view the student’s work, click the View Work icon. This will allow you to see the student’s answers to each question.
  3. Grade: to enter a grade for the lesson, click in the grade box and type the grade. Note: this box will only be available if the student has submitted the assignment, if not you’ll receive a message that requires you to enable grading.
  4. When you grade you can choose to release the grade, lock the assignment from student’s view, or release the answer key by checking the checkbox next to the appropriate action and clicking the update button.
  5. Once the lesson is reviewed and grade determined, find the Feedback section. This is where you can write feedback to the student. Simply write your message to the student in the box and click the Update button to send it. This will send the student an email to his account with the message you typed.
  6. Adding an Internal Comment: this feature is designed so that you can leave yourself or other teachers that may be grading work a mess without the student seeing it. In order to do this, type your message in the Internal Comment box and click update. This message will remain here for yourself and others to view.
  7. Uploading a feedback document: to upload a document, find the upload feedback section, browse your computer for the file you’d like to upload and attach it. Click update once you’re finished to send the document to the student email within their account.
  8. Actions Button: This new feature allows the user to lock, release grades, reassign, or unassign one or multiple lessons by checking the check box next to the lesson name(s) and choosing the action you’d like to occur.

Viewing Student Work in Gradebook

  1. You can choose the components of the lesson you’d like to view. Select
    1. View Ungraded Content to see any extended response questions that have not yet been graded. This will hide all auto-graded questions and learning components, as well as questions you’ve already graded.
    2. View Gradable Content will show you all question types and allow you to edit even the auto-graded questions. Check the Hide Auto-graded Questions checkbox if you wish to hide auto-graded questions. c. View All Content will display all learning components and questions.
  2. The Preview button will allow you to access the answer key and print handout for the lesson.
  3. Attempts: This drop-down shows you how many times the student has taken the assignment. You can view the student work from each of the attempts by using this drop down.
  4. Grading:
    1. Auto-graded questions will be graded as the student answers the questions. These questions are either correct or incorrect and usually worth 1 point so partial credit cannot be given.
    2. Extended Response: when grading an essay, the teacher can choose correct, incorrect, or partial credit if the question is worth more than one point. The teacher can enter the partial credit grade in the partial credit checkbox.
    3. Click the Update Grade button once you’ve finished grading the assignment. This will save all of your changes and update the final grade. 

Giving Feedback in Gradebook

1. Expand the lesson by clicking on the title, find the Feedback section in the expanded lesson. This is where you can write feedback to the student. Simply write your message to the student in the box and click the Update button to send it. This will send the student an email to his account with the message you typed.

2. Uploading a feedback document: to upload a document, find the upload feedback section, browse your computer for the file you’d like to upload and attach it. Click update once you’re finished to send the document to the student email within their account.

3. Adding an Internal Comment: this feature is designed so that you can leave yourself or other teachers that may be grading work a mess without the student seeing it. In order to do this, type your message in the Internal Comment box and click update. This message will remain here for yourself and others to view.

Sending Back Work in Gradebook

  1. Check the box next to the lesson name.
  2. Click the Actions button and select Reassign from the list.
  3. Options - Choose if students can see which questions were incorrect and choose if they can see their previous responses.