This is a user guide with screen shots to demonstrate how to create and enter an observation for a principal.
RightPath’s™ Observation platform enables users to collaborate and view observations in the classroom. The platform allows administrators to record observations on the customizable protocol adopted by the school district. The Observation platform can be used on tablets, smartphones, and various other electronic mobile devices.
Create an Observation
Observations are accessible from the APPR dropdown menu at the top of any page in RightPath™. To access the platform, navigate to the "APPR" dropdown menu. From the dropdown list, select "Observation Search".
You will be brought to the Observation Search page. From here you can search and view observations and start new ones. Click on the "Add Observation" button to add a new observation, located in the top right of the page.
A popup will be displayed to enter the data needed to create the observation. Details such as Principal’s Name, Rubric (type), Date, Time, Announced versus Unannounced, etc. need to be added. You can select “Mixed Grades” as the grade. Once you have filled in the details, you can choose “Schedule & Start” to start the observation immediately or “Schedule for Later” to create the observation form and work on it at a later time.
Once you start the observation, you will be directed to the Observation form page for the Rubric (type) observation you selected. Select the Type of observation at the top of the screen and click on the appropriate radio buttons for the rating system your district uses.
You can save and continue working on this evaluation by clicking the "Save" button located at the top of the page at any time. A green alert message at the top of the screen will let you know that you have successfully saved this observation. Please note this screen may be different depending on the district and/or observation type.
Attaching Evidence and Adding Notes
You may want to attach evidence to the observation. To do that, you will click on the "Add Evidence" button.
The evidence screen will allow you to check off existing evidence or add your own by selecting the rubric the evidence belongs to, adding a description and uploading a file. Click the "Add Selected Evidence" button once completed.
You can then click the "Narrative Notes" Edit button and the "Concluding Remarks" Edit button to add your notes.
Select the radio buttons for scoring as needed. Remember to click the "Save" button at the top of the screen. This will calculate a score that will be shown on the bottom of the observation.
Entering Comments
Comments and Evidence can be entered by clicking on the "Comments/Evidence” button, next to the Domain name or by clicking the hyperlink for each indicator. This will redirect you to the following page where text can be entered. If your district uses stored comments, please see the section labeled “Stored Comments” below the image.
- Enter your comments.
- Click the "Save Comments" button at any time to save your comments.
- Click the "Save Comments and Return" button when you are finished with these comments and want to return to the Observation Edit page. Upon returning to the Observation, you will see the comments entered in the appropriate spot.
- Click the "Cancel" button if you need to exit the comment section without saving and return to the observation.
- Click the “View Comment History” button to see any previously used comments that may have been deleted/not saved. This is useful so you can copy one of these comments and paste it into the active comments text box.
Stored Comments
Some districts may choose to use stored comments. The user can create and store comments for their observations to be used over and over again on the same observation type/same domain.
To add or use the stored comments functionality, you will click the “Show Saved Comments” button.
The page will refresh and you will click on the "Add New Comment" button. Add your text and click the “Save Comment” button.
Add each comment that you could use per each domain and click the save button. This is a master list of all the comments you would use in each domain. These comments will now be listed on every observation of this type and you will click the “Insert” button for any comment you want to add to this domain. Use as many comments as you like.
When the screen refreshes, you will see your comment listed. You will have the option to edit (pencil) or delete (red circle) a comment from the master list.
Next click the “Save Comments and Return” button to save and return to the observation.
Once you have completed the observation, click the “Save” button. You will see a green alert message to let you know the observation has been saved.
Print an Observation
While in the Observation, you may render a pdf or word file or send a draft to the principal by clicking on the appropriate button at the top of the screen. Click on the "PDF" drop down button and select PDF or Word option. Once you download the observation you can print it.
If you select the "Send a Draft" option, a new popup gives you the option to confirm this transaction or cancel it. If you select "OK" a copy of this observation is sent to the principal to preview.
Once you have saved and finished the observation, you will click on the "Mark as Complete" button located at the top of the screen and you will see a green alert message that the observation has been marked as complete. You will be redirected back to the Observation Search page.
Send an observation to a principal
The observation needs to be sent to the principal. You can do this by clicking on the envelope icon on the observation search page. As long as an e-mail address has been added to the principal’s RightPath record, an email will be sent to their RightPath email.
From the Observation Search page, any observation that you own can be edited, deleted, marked as complete or sent to the User.
To edit an observation, click on the red pencil on the left margin of the observation search grid to reopen the observation to make your changes. (This can’t be done if the observation has already been sent.)
Any other options that are available concerning observations will be accessible in the "Actions" section of the Observation Search grid. The available options are Submit (disc icon-which marks the observation as complete), Unlock (lock-which allows you to request an unlock from the principal so you can make a change to the observation and re-send it to them), Send the Observation to the User (envelope icon), Copy an Observation (2 pages icon) and Delete an Observation (red circle icon).
If you are completely done with the observation, click the disk icon in the Actions section to mark the observation as "complete". This only completes the observation, if you want to send the observation to the teacher, you will need to click the envelope icon. If you would like to make a copy of an observation, click the copy icon. If you want to delete an evaluation, click on the red circle with the white bar in it and confirm that you want to delete it. A deleted evaluation can be filtered and found through the "Deleted" Status filter.
The options that are not available to you will be grayed out.
Please note, the status of the observation will change in the "Status" Column when each icon is clicked allowing the administrator to see (and to filter by) the status. Once the disk icon is selected (complete), it will be grayed out and the lock icon will turn blue and be available. The status "Complete" will show in the grid.
Once the envelope is clicked, the words "Sent to User" will now show in the Status column.
Once the observation is sent to the teacher, the teacher can acknowledge the observation. The status will be marked "Acknowledged" once the teacher has opened their Right Reason Technologies email and reviewed the evaluation and clicked the Acknowledge button.