Learning Objectives
In this user guide, you will learn about:
- Navigating the calendar
- Customizing your calendar view
Navigating the Calendar
Use the arrows or date selector to view the desired week. Change the calendar View by selecting 'Day' or 'Week.'
Customize your Calendar View
Filter the Planbooks Displayed
Use the planbooks Filter to select and deselect the plan books that are displayed on the calendar.
Filter the Lesson Elements Displayed
Use the Elements Filter to select and deselect the lesson plan elements that are being displayed on the calendar.
**You can Set Default elements to display and then modify to show more or less at any time.**
Printing your Weekly Lessons
Use the print button in the Calendar menu to print your lessons. There are several options to customize your printout.
1. Select the planbooks you would like to include in your calendar printout.
2. Choose either one week per page or one day per page.
3. Select the date range for the days that you would like to print.
4. Customize what you would like to display on the calendar. The options will be defaulted based on what was selected on the calendar.
Adding a No School Day to the Calendar
Use the gear in the Day Header to mark a day as a 'No School Day.'
**This can be used for snow days or holidays.
**Use the same gear icon to cancel the no school day.
All lessons originally scheduled will be bumped forward or backward when adding or removing a 'No School Day.'
Any plan books that do not have a lesson planned for the day will display a 'placeholder.' You can click on any placeholder to add a lesson to that planbook for that day.